Search Me!


Go Google

4:04 AM It’s may be fun out there to find new things on internet but it will be more interesting if you get enough up to your desires and that’s all brought to you by Google, really a human search engine. Google has enough potential to read human minds, go through their queries, produces results in the form of SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages) and compiles other information related to your information.

How Search Works?

Google is extensively a smarter search engine produces information up to our needs and not more than this! The tail defined the whole animal! Google is closely connected with their users and it is just possible because of monstrous robots called “crawlers” or “spiders” programmed to go-through web pages, collect the jumbled data, formulate it and save into giant storage-houses spread throughout the world. When you enter the text in search field, search button plays it role, go through storage houses, collect the relevant data and introduces it to you in the form of result pages. Google instantaneously show the results because a millisecond delay would cause the dissatisfaction. Here, the fun thing is added; Google plays a vital role for breaking the violation on web by ranking the pages according to high relevancy and for this Google rate the web pages as good that are exclusively designed for humans, have quality contents and not only produced to save up-records in search engines, so for a blackhat SEO it should be worried!

Look into Expert Guy (Matt Cutts) Video!

What Google Aims?

At Google, Googlers aim to show you the results similar or relevant to your queries but the fun out there comes with different Google products varied from Google Images, Google Shopping, Google News, Blogs, Videos from Youtube, Google Profiles and so on. If you are searching location so maps will help you from right side, feeling to be social so get videos and blogs, want to be in know hows just go through news and if you’ve more thirst for information so Images & Books will help you. Google aimed and so introduced all the things related to your searches on single webpage and that is called sincerity! The post needs more expansion like public/personal results and child-safe results that will be discussed soon. That’s all folks!

So, the things will be expanded soon in My First Post! In next session, I will produce algorithm factors on which Google works but now it’s enough to read on weekend, I think!