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Social Media & SEO – Permanent Traffic Increment Source for Any Website

10:35 PM Before Google, there were no concepts for smart search engines that can act as human-beings for the sake of right answers that people asked. Google proves itself big-bash machines more smart through this machine “Social is Key!
Social Media SEO Traffic
Social Media + SEO = Traffic

“Target Humans not Search Engines”
Google purely ranks those SEOs that have key interactions with targeted people for their contents. It doesn’t matter you are newbie to Search Engine Optimization and would fail to target the real audience for your contents or drive the right traffic through your content. Google will help you best for that!

Rand Fishkin (SEOMoz) describes it best!

“Be Patient, Just Do for Tomorrow”
Better Traffic: Your mainstream goal should be traffic so you should have good social presence on only few or many social networking and bookmarking websites like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Stumble Upon, Digg, Reddit and thousand more. Just make you ‘followable’ on some of these social websites and increase your interactions through sharing your contents to people. Make yourself consistent or regular for posting your contents to generate the better traffic for your website. Don’t think about “it’s not much as I thought” because no one has million fans overnight so be patient and just do posting with better hope for tomorrow.

Better SEO: Once you succeeded for good traffic quantity for your website, Google will obviously rank your contents at better positions where they deserved and the day is not far when you’ll have the deserving audience for your content through GOOGLE!
Social Neworks Text Cloud
Social Networking Tasks to Do for Better Traffic

“To Have More, More You Do”
Stick with the idea of having more, so you will obviously close to your social presence and that’s the trick to permanent increment of right traffic at your content. It means you shouldn’t sign off from social networks once you’ve the better place!

In next Articles, you’ll love to have some targeted ideas to generate traffic for your contents

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